Sunday, February 28, 2010

If a 101 Year Old Woman Can Do This, Can YOU?

I recently visited a Senior's community in Sun City, Florida. I have a friend who spends her winters there to escape the cold of the great white North. She took me on a tour of the Club House which included a visit to the gym. Well, I was astonished and amazed at the big poster up on the wall that featured photographs and bios of some of the oldest members of the gym who go there to do their daily workouts and physical activity.

The oldest member, get this, is 101 years old. This little old lady works out in the gym every day. She even had a face lift at age 85. Her secrets to healthy aging include a balanced diet, weight control, regular physical activity and a positive outlook on life. I then started looking at all the other photos and bios on the poster and they were all men and women over age 90 who work out regularly lifting weights and building their strength. How could you not be inspired? And they all had those same healthy aging factors in common. They all believed in balanced eating, healthy weight control, regular physical activity and a positive outlook. A few even added in things like fun and laughter.

It was extremely validating for me to see this because these are the same healthy living and healthy aging factors that I promote to my weight loss coaching clients and through my book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living. I'm telling you that to see these photos and to look around the gym and see all kinds of seniors on treadmills, lifting weights and looking fit and amazing not just for their own age, but for any age, I was in awe.

It just goes to show that you're never too old for healthy living and healthy aging. If they can do it, so can you. No matter what your starting point is, you can renew your own commitment to your own healthy aging starting TODAY. Start slow if you need to, but just start. I know that from what I saw, I am more motivated than ever to continue my own healthy eating and positive living practices.

1 comment:

Kate DuBois said...

Rosalyn, congratulations on your book. It sounds great! I'm with you on how gratifying it is to see so many older women vital and healthy in their 90's. I have a neighbor who is 75 and whenever I see her and ask where she's off to, she says, "The gym."

I also just watched an inspiring video Mr. Jimmy’s Birthday Challenge, about an 80 yr. old man who decided to run 80K for his 80th birthday to help honor his wife who had recently passed. OMG! If you have a chance, I think you'll love watching it based on what you wrote.


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