Saturday, April 25, 2020

Keeping Positive During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and some of us are weathering this storm better than others. There is so much fear, anxiety and sense of uncertainty and powerlessness out there that aside from protecting ourselves from getting infected physically by washing our hands, we also have to do what we can to avoid getting infected mentally, emotionally and spiritually by cleansing our thoughts and emotions. 

As a cancer survivor I know the importance of maintaining a strong immune system to avoid getting sick. This means that anything that weakens my immune system that I have control over is something I am going to stay as far away from as I can. So what weakens our immune system? Things like fear, negative stress, worry, anxiety, repressed anger and all other negative emotions that cause our stress hormones to go wild. The beauty of doing everything we can to not sucked in by the negativity is what strengthens our immunity to health issues not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. 

So, how do we keep positive during this pandemic? I invite you to watch my ZOOM presentation to learn more about some positive perspectives that work for me as well as practical tips for your consideration and application to your own lives. A REPLAY of the presentation is available on YouTube at Just click on the video below to watch. 

Please share this with anyone you know who can benefit. Your comments are welcome. 

Yours in good health, hope and positivity,
Author · Speaker · Survivor
Inspiring Hope & Positivity
Author & Presenter of MEANT TO BE

What I've been up to as an author and speaker

I'm looking at the date of my last blog post and wow, it was back in November 2016. How is that even possible? Well, it's about time I get back on, so here I am. Good to be back. 

So, where have I been, you might ask? I've been totally focused on the speaking arm of my business giving presentations about my most recent book, Meant to Be: A True Story of Might, Miracles and Triumph of the Human Spirit. In Meant to Be, I tell the amazing story of my parents' remarkable survival, love and triumph over tragedy as two unlikely World War II survivors. As captives on opposite sides of the world, they survived unimaginable cruelty in the most extraordinary of circumstances and then found everlasting love, against all odds. I also share about the valuable life lessons I learned when I turned to their strength and positivity as inspiration in my fight to beat cancer at age 29. My parents are incredible role models for all of us.

In April 2018, I delivered my presentation about my book, Meant to Be, to the class that was shot into by the gunman at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida on February 14 of that year. This event launched my Youth Speaker Program in the United States. Telling my parents' inspirational story to young people has become a big focus. I tell my parents' story to young people to teach them about the atrocities that happened to people like my parents in the past as a reminder of the dangers of discrimination and prejudice and what this kind of hate and evil can lead to if we don't stop it. This is not just a message for young people. I also deliver my presentations as a faith-based speaker, seniors speaker, community speaker as well as corporate speaker. Positive inspirational stories and messages to stop the hate in our world are needed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Promoting my Meant to Be book and presentations has kept me extremely busy. It is a full-time effort getting the word out, doing all the social media and getting media attention. Now with COVID-19, my routine has changed. I am not on the road traveling with my speaking engagements. Things have come to a halt. I, like everyone else, have had to take a step back and regroup. In this time of reflection, I decided it was time to get back to writing my blog. And that is what's been happening and what brought me here today. 

Stay tuned. More to come soon. 

Yours in health,

Author · Speaker · Survivor
Inspiring Hope & Positivity
Author & Presenter of MEANT TO BE

So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo

Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book,   Meant to Be ,   is available as an eBook. U...