Saturday, April 25, 2020

Keeping Positive During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has taken the world by storm and some of us are weathering this storm better than others. There is so much fear, anxiety and sense of uncertainty and powerlessness out there that aside from protecting ourselves from getting infected physically by washing our hands, we also have to do what we can to avoid getting infected mentally, emotionally and spiritually by cleansing our thoughts and emotions. 

As a cancer survivor I know the importance of maintaining a strong immune system to avoid getting sick. This means that anything that weakens my immune system that I have control over is something I am going to stay as far away from as I can. So what weakens our immune system? Things like fear, negative stress, worry, anxiety, repressed anger and all other negative emotions that cause our stress hormones to go wild. The beauty of doing everything we can to not sucked in by the negativity is what strengthens our immunity to health issues not just physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually as well. 

So, how do we keep positive during this pandemic? I invite you to watch my ZOOM presentation to learn more about some positive perspectives that work for me as well as practical tips for your consideration and application to your own lives. A REPLAY of the presentation is available on YouTube at Just click on the video below to watch. 

Please share this with anyone you know who can benefit. Your comments are welcome. 

Yours in good health, hope and positivity,
Author · Speaker · Survivor
Inspiring Hope & Positivity
Author & Presenter of MEANT TO BE

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