Friday, October 11, 2013

Enough Today: Thanksgiving Thoughts from Roslyn

If you're like many, you may put a lot of time, energy and focus on all the things you feel are missing in your life and wish you could change. Perhaps you’re looking for that ideal mate to fill a lonely heart. Or maybe you’re looking for more money to fill up your bank account, pay off bills, have more stuff, and do more of the things you want to do. Maybe you’re longing to eliminate the excess weight that is weighing heavily on your body, mind and spirit. Maybe you’re looking to shift out of an unsatisfying job to a more fulfilling career. At this time of Thanksgiving, how about taking some time and focus on all the good things you have going for you in your life TODAY?

Is there anything about you and your life that you can take time this Thanksgiving weekend to be truly grateful for? If you’re looking for your ideal mate, but in the meantime have a loving family and friends, be grateful for who you have NOW. If you want more money to have and do all the things you want in life, be grateful for the money and what you have and can do NOW. If you’re worried about being overweight, be grateful for the body you have NOW.
We often hear about adopting an attitude of gratitude yet whatever we do it often feels like it’s never enough. Let this Thanksgiving weekend be about ‘enough TODAY’. Yes, it’s wonderful to strive for self-improvement and go after all the ‘more’ you want in life, but I urge you to not pursue it at the expense of feeling good about yourself and your life TODAY. Remember that what you have TODAY is a but a dream for many others. It's all so relative, don't you think?

After surviving cancer, I’m just thankful that I have my health TODAY. After surviving divorce, I’m thankful for the loving husband I have TODAY. After being overweight for many years, I’m thankful for having a healthier body and self-image TODAY. After working in unsatisfying jobs for years, I’m thankful for choosing to be my own boss and doing what I love TODAY. Is there more I want out of life? Absolutely. Do I have goals and dreams of things I want to accomplish in this lifetime? Absolutely. But my happiness TODAY does not depend on my tomorrows. It’s just the opposite for me. My happiness tomorrow depends on my happiness TODAY.

What are YOU thankful for this Thanksgiving? Why not put it in writing so you can go back to it later on when you may need some reminders to help you stay motivated and on track? Leave a comment to my blog or feel free to put it in an email to me. I love hearing what people are thankful for.  Send to So enjoy your Thanksgiving and use this holiday as a launch pad to being happy today and thankful all year round.

After beating cancer at age 29 and conquering her stress, weight and lifestyle challenges once and for all, Roslyn Franken is back stronger than ever! She is a world-class motivational speaker who provides audiences with an unforgettable experience that brings hope, inspiration and proven life principles to overcome challenges and lighten up for good to a happy, healthy and resilient life, no matter what.
To book Roslyn for speaking engagements, personal coaching and purchase copies of her book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living, visit,

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