Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Can Verbal Abuse Affect your Weight?

I recently interviewed a very special guest on my radio show, How to Thrive After 35 Talk Radio. Her name is Kim Roman Corle, expert on Verbal and Emotional abuse. Kim knows this subject all too well as she herself was married to a verbal abuser and went from a fairy tale wedding to a divorce that had her fleeing the house with kids and pets. Subsequently, she lost everything and had to start all over. From her experiences, Kim is now determined to help others manage themselves through difficult situations and learn how to take back their power, especially if they are in a verbally abusive relationship. If this topic is relevant for you or someone you know, then you really need to listen to this interview available online now at

When I was listening back to the interview, something that struck me was that perhaps not all of us are victims of verbally abusive relationships with others. However, I do believe that there are many of us who are extremely verbally and emotionally abusive toward ourselves. I call this verbal and emotional SELF-ABUSE. From many of my weight loss coaching clients who I have helped over the years, this is truly a pattern I have seen over and over. If we talked to other people the ways we talk to ourselves, we may just be called Verbal Abusers. Do you ever listen to the way you beat up on yourself when you eat something that is not really healthy? Do you talk to yourself filled with guilt and shame when you overeat or overindulge in your favourite foods? If you are struggling in an unhealthy and abusive relationship with food or if you are overweight, then you need to listen to how you're talking to yourself. Are you being self-abusive, do you think? And what do you do to feel better? You eat more, right? Would you like it to stop? Do you want to know how much better your life could be if you could turn your abusive behaviours around toward food and your inner self?

That is what I learned to do. That is exactly how I gained control over my eating, weight and lifestyle habits. My passion is now to help people just like you to figure out how to do this for yourself. If you are overweight and think you can benefit from some help and support in changing your own verbal and emotional abuse habits toward yourself, then take one small step today and fill out my new Readiness Assessment online. It's totally FREE and only takes a few minutes of your time. If you are ready for some positive change in your life, you owe it to yourself to check it out at I don't normally use my Blog to promote myself in this way, but when I listened back to Kim and thought about how much we abuse ourselves, I couldn't help but Blog about my thoughts and encourage you to take this step.

So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo

Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book,   Meant to Be ,   is available as an eBook. U...