Sunday, December 7, 2008

How to avoid the holiday weight gain blues

With holiday party season upon us, event and meal planning, baking, gift shopping and social eating are 4 main activities. Who can resist all those holiday treats and that extra glass of wine? Who has time to exercise?

As a result, most of us will gain an average of 8-12 pounds if not more during this festive period. Then come January 1st, we sit back crying the holiday weight gain blues and make our New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get in shape, just like the year before. Sound familiar?
Why do we do this to ourselves year after year? What can you do differently this year? Let’s look at how to enjoy the season without crying the holiday weight gain blues.

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So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo

Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book,   Meant to Be ,   is available as an eBook. U...