Friday, January 23, 2015

A New Way of Managing your Goals

“People think that the best thing about setting goals is achieving them. For me it's not just about achieving the end goal but the wonderful satisfaction of taking action and seeing progress”. ~ Roslyn Franken

I came up with this thought this morning and while posting it on my Facebook page at you haven’t LIKED my Facebook page yet, please feel free to do so), it inspired me to write this post. I hope this will give you the boost you might need to help you manage your goals in a new way and keep going after whatever goal it is you are working toward.

Setting goals is one of those magical things that just about every success guru will tell you is important to do. Then they will tell you to set a date by which you must achieve this goal and just do whatever you need to do to get your desired results and outcome.

I’m all for setting goals, but I don’t necessarily set hard deadlines by which I MUST achieve them. This has definitely worked better for me. I’ve seen so many people set these hard goals and deadlines whether it’s a goal relating to weight loss, reaching sales targets, writing a book, even getting married and having babies. It all sounds wonderful and magical when you first set the goals filled with excitement and enthusiasm, but then what often happens is reality hits. Things don’t always go as planned and work out perfectly. Obstacles get in the way. There are bumps in the road. Then the hard deadline comes and passes and you end up feeling like a big failure yet again because for whatever reasons you did not meet your goal.

This is the hardest point to be at because if you can’t find a way to forgive yourself and keep it all going without throwing in the towel and giving up on your desired goal, then it is that much more difficult to ever reach your goal. It will just seem impossible and like too much work so you may not even want to bother trying anymore. Sound familiar?

So, here’s what I’ve learned from the school of hard knocks. Life is not perfect. Things don’t go as planned. Some days you’re going to have your mojo and be on top of your game and other days, well, not so much. So if you don’t meet that hard and fast deadline, so what? So what if it takes you a little bit longer? I’m not saying to procrastinate and make excuses, I’m just saying that if life gets in the way or you have some challenging bumps in the road to get over first, then do yourself a favor and do what you need to do to get over the bumps and be kind to yourself in the process. To make meaningful and positive changes in your life takes time. Give yourself the gift of time and let go of the deadlines that are just stressing you out and setting you back in the long run.

I’ve learned to enjoy the min-victories along the way to my goals. I’ve learned to celebrate the moments in the process I’m following toward my goals. This is what keeps me so motivated and determined. Without ongoing motivation and determination, it is very difficult to keep it all going. I’m working on some pretty huge projects at the moment that I will soon be sharing with you and although I have no idea how they’re all going to play out and in what timeframe, I sure am enjoying the process. I’m celebrating the many amazing connections I’m making, the progress and increasing fearlessness that is resulting from the successes I’m willing to recognize even when things don’t go exactly as I’d envisioned.

When things don’t work out as planned, the beauty is that sometimes they work out even better.

What is YOUR goal and in what ways can I help to get you started or keep it going when your motivation and determination wane? If you think you can benefit from some extra help and support, then let’s talk. I offer one FREE consultation that you can book online right now at  or you can email me at with 3 suggested dates and times. If one of your goals is weight loss, then you’ll also want to take my FREE Online Weight Loss Readiness Assessment. Check it out at

Wishing you continued health, success and happiness.
Roslyn Franken

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