Thursday, December 20, 2012

How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

Most people are really good at making their New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, most of those same people are just as good at breaking them. Sound familiar? I was a great example. I remember when I was overweight and every New Year’s Eve I would make my resolution to lose a certain number of pounds by my birthday on May 13th. Yet somehow by the next New Year’s Eve, I’d be making the same resolution but the number of pounds I’d want to lose by my birthday was higher than the year before.

Aaaarrrrggghhhh! I remember the frustration and disappointment in myself. And what did I do to feel better? Yup, I ate more and put on even more weight. I’m proud to say that the last time I made that New Year’s resolution about losing weight was back in 2004. I’ve kept that resolution and have never looked back. However, this article is not about how I shed my unwanted pounds and kept them off. If you really want to know all the details of how I did it, I can tell you this, the same principles I used to lose all my unwanted weight are the same principles that have helped others quit smoking and curb their spending habits and more. These life-changing principles are all in my book, The A List: 9 GuidingPrinciples for Healthy Eating and Positive Living.
I wrote the book with a focus on healthy eating, weight control and improving quality of life and am amazed at the different ways people have applied the principles to their lives and the changes they’ve achieved in their health, relationships and overall sense of well-being. So if you want to learn more beyond this article, I invite you get yourself a copy of my book.
This article is about how to keep YOUR resolution regardless of what it is. So whether you’re looking to lose weight, quit smoking, get organized, enjoy life more or get out of debt for 2013, the key to keeping your New Year’s Resolution is actually quite simple.
Notice I said ‘simple’. I didn’t say easy. Behavioural change is seldom easy and it does require time and effort. The problem is most people give up too soon. You’ve got to have these four necessities of change in place as your foundation to build on. Whatever your New Year’s Resolution is, it all comes down to these four things:
1.       Desire to change a behavior: You say you want to quit smoking, get out of debt, lose weight or be more physically active, for example. That’s great, you have a desire to change. Any change starts with a dissatisfaction with the status quo and a desire for something better.

2.       Willingness to change a behaviour:  Having the desire isn’t enough. You can talk about your desire to change all you want, but what are you willing to do about it? Are you truly willing to make some changes in what you’re doing now? Sometimes we want to make a change, but we don’t know where to start and we resist the very changes we need to make. We’re afraid of failure or we don’t want to fully admit to ourselves the importance of the changes we need to make. We pretend that maybe it’s not that important and we choose to procrastinate on it. Unfortunately, this procrastination can sometimes mean a heart attack or other major health issue, or having to declare bankruptcy. Or sometimes, we just don’t know how to make the change in our behaviour on our own and don’t know where to turn for help. It’s easier and safer to stick with the status quo so we just go on wishing and dreaming of a better self and a better life. Time passes and nothing changes.

3.       Readiness to change a behavior:  Having the desire for change and being willing to make the change is also not enough. You have to be ready to do something about it. Sometimes you’re willingness is there, but the time is not right. If, for example, you’re going through a very emotionally difficult time such as the loss of a loved one, it may not be the ideal time to try and make major changes as you may not have the mental and emotional focus or stamina required. It takes focus and energy to create behavioural change. You may need time to grieve and just ‘be’ and as you come out of this emotionally difficult phase, you can then regroup and look at how to move forward and create the positive and meaningful changes you want on a larger scale.

4.       Commitment to change a behavior:  I tell people that in order to successfully change a behavior long-term, you really need to be a pit bull. What I mean by that is you need to have a ‘never give up’ attitude that will see you through those times where your motivation or focus may not be at its highest. I believe that motivation and focus can sometimes flow in waves even for the most successful people out there, but an underlying commitment must be where you’re operating from for long-term success. Even if you’re having an off day, you’re still committed. You just put it behind you and get back on track as soon as reasonably possible.

Believe me there were days in my weight loss journey where it would have been all too easy to just give up and throw in the towel. My motivation was not always at its highest. There were days and sometimes weeks where I just couldn’t seem to keep things on track. But I just kept it going and never lost my commitment. I gave myself permission to be less than perfect and then just got myself back on track. Next thing I knew I had reached my goal. It may seem difficult and it may seem like where you want to be in your life with the changes you want to make is so far away. Trust me, time is flying so fast that if you just stick with it, you will get there.

Roslyn Franken is an expert in helping people create positive and meaningful change in their lives. She is a motivational inspirational speaker, proud cancer survivor, best-selling author and personal coach committed to inspiring, guiding and supporting people on how to lighten up for good to a healthier, happier and more satisfying life. To book Roslyn for speaking engagements, personal coaching and purchase copies of her life-changing book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living, visit,

Monday, December 3, 2012

Eat this Good Food for a Good Holiday Mood

The holiday season is supposed to be all fun and jolly, but why then do we so easily let it weigh us  down? If your holiday season mood is not where you want it to be, here’s a great health tip that can help.

Did you know that there are certain good foods to keep you in a good mood? One of my favourite good foods for a good mood is avocados. Why? Not only do they taste great, but avocados are full of “good” fat. The monosaturated fats in avocados are known for helping to keep the receptors in your brain sensitive to serotonin.

And why is serotonin so important? Serotonin plays an important part in the regulation of learning, mood, sleep and vasoconstriction (constriction of blood vessels). Experts say serotonin also might have a role in anxiety, migraine, vomiting and appetite. Alterations in serotonin levels in the brain may affect mood. Some antidepressant medications affect the action of serotonin, i.e. they are used to treat depression.

What’s really interesting is that there’s a certain brain chemical that is more active during the winter months which actually lowers serotonin levels around brain cells . This means that serotonin levels are lower during the winter. Doesn’t that help explain a possible reason why some people feel more miserable during the winter?

So if you want to boost your mood and feel better this holiday season and all winter long, be sure to  incorporate avocado into your regular diet by adding it to salads and sandwiches or mash it up as part of a dip or spread like in my recipe below.  Keep at it and maintain those healthy serotonin levels. You’ll notice a difference in  how much better you’ll feel in both mind and body.

RECIPE: Roslyn’s Avocado and Green Pea Guacamole

This is a great recipe if you’re watching your weight, calories or fat intake. In this recipe I augment the avocados with green peas and fresh tomato to help lower the fat and calorie content per serving and add a bit more nutritional variety.  I also do this so I can eat a bit more of  it guilt-free J  So go ahead and indulge a bit. I don’t add cilantro because my husband can't stand cilantro, but please feel free to experiment with it. It's yummy with tortilla chips, crackers, pita bread, vegetables or mixed into a sandwich.


2 small avocados (or 1 medium to large)
1 cup frozen peas
2 large clove garlic crushed
4 tbsp lemon juice
½ cup chopped tomatoes
Pinch of chile pepper
Chopped fresh cilantro to taste (optional)
  • Cook frozen peas according to instructions on packaging.
  • Scoop out inside of avocado with a spoon.
  • Put all ingredients into a blender or food processor and mix till desired smoothness.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this article and recipe. Give it a try and let me know what you think. Send to

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Amazing Frozen Lemon

This is taken from an email I received that when I read it, I just had to try it for myself. Well, I've tried it and it WORKS! It's such a simple little trick that I highly recommend you try it too. I added my own two cents to this, but basically here is what the email said...

Many professionals in restaurants and eateries are using or consuming the entire lemon and nothing is wasted. How can you use the whole lemon without waste?

Simple.. place the lemon in the freezer section of your refrigerator. Once the lemon is frozen, get your grater, and shred the whole lemon (no need to peel it) and sprinkle it on top of your foods.

Sprinkle it to on any kind of vegetable salad (can also be used in chicken, tuna, salmon, bean, pasta, rice, quinoa or other type of salad you can think of), add it to your soups and it also adds a little twist to your spaghetti sauce, rice, sushi and fish dishes. You can also add it to your regular and herbal tea.

All of the foods will unexpectedly have a wonderful taste, something that you may have never tasted before. What's the major advantage of using the whole lemon other than preventing waste and adding new taste to your dishes?

Well, you see lemon peels contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself. And yes, that's what you've been wasting.

But from now on, by following this simple procedure of freezing the whole lemon, then grating it on top of your dishes, you can consume all of those nutrients and get even healthier.

So place your lemon in your freezer, and then grate it on your meal every day. It is a key to make your foods tastier and can help you get to live healthier and longer! That's the amazing lemon secret!

Do you have a favourite healthy lemon recipe you'd like to share? I'd love to hear from you. Send to today.

Too busy and tired to look after your health? Wish you had more time and energy to do all the things you want to do? Discover how Roslyn can help you lighten up for good to the healthy, happy life you want! Book a free introductory phone call with Roslyn today. CHOOSE a time that's convenient for you.

Need a dynamic speaker for your next group event? Visit Roslyn Franken online today

Friday, September 7, 2012

Stop the Aging Cover-Up

"Age is mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." ~ Mark Twain
A friend sent this wonderful quote and photo to me and it reminded me of how much pressure we put on ourselves according to how we ‘think’ we’re ‘supposed’ to look and be as we age. In a society that idolizes youth and beauty, we ‘think’ we’re 'supposed’ to be wrinkle-free with no gray hairs and be able to maintain our youthful figures and features.  We work so hard and spend so much money to cover up our signs of aging and put so much energy into trying to dwell in the fountain of youth, when the truth is we are all aging, nonetheless.  Here’s what I think all this pressure is doing to us and what I plan to do personally to take a stand and walk my talk.
Yes, we’re all getting older and instead of appreciating and celebrating every moment we have in the full glory of who we are today, we spend way too much time, money and energy into beating ourselves up and agonizing over our every wrinkle, gray hair and the change in body shape that comes with age. This doesn’t mean not to do your best to maintain your health, posture, weight, strength and flexibility. This doesn’t mean to just let yourself go physically. To mean it’s about learning to lighten up on all the societal pressure and anxiety around aging because all that added stress is just going to give you more gray hairs to cover up. All that added stress will do is potentially lower your immune system and make you more vulnerable to health problems. All that stress can lead to unhealthy crutches to help you feel better like eating, smoking or alcohol or drug abuse.  These self-medicating coping mechanisms work for the moment and are great for providing that instant gratification when you’re feeling tired and crappy, but in the long run they don’t make you happy. They just put you at greater risk of serious health problems that are going to cause even greater challenges as you age not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and maybe even financially when you think about the cost of drugs and health care. Is that really what you want to keep doing?
What if you took that same time, money and energy and invested it in your health, happiness and well-being? Wouldn’t that be a far smarter and wiser decision?  
Now as always, I make a point of doing my best to walk my talk and practice what I preach.  It’s not always easy as I have the same challenges as anybody else. However, as a motivational speaker, author and coach whose mission is to help people lighten up for good, I thought to myself that in terms of lightening up the pressures of covering up the signs of aging, I would take a huge leap myself.
I decided that it’s time to ‘lighten up’ on colouring my once naturally black hair to cover the grays. I will literally ‘lighten up’ my hair. Why? A few reasons. My gray hairs which are now at age 47 coming in whiter and faster than ever are truly a pain to keep under control. As a cancer survivor who knows far better than to apply chemical-filled black hair dye on a regular basis, I have officially made the decision to stop the madness. Not only will it save on my health, but it will save me time, money and energy as well that I can put to much better use elsewhere.
I’ve been thinking of doing this for a while now, but have just not found the courage to commit to it. Every time those white hairs start coming in I try to let it go and then when it starts looking so obvious, I chicken out and go and dye it again. What will people think? Can I still market myself as a professional business woman, speak in front of audiences and appear on television and be taken seriously if I let my gray hairs show? I sure intend to. Do you think people will judge me differently? For the better? For the worse?  I don’t know. Will have to wait and see.
Roslyn is a motivational speaker, best-selling author and coach. Learn more about Roslyn and how she helps people lighten up for good to a healthier, happier life.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Will you have these regrets at the end of YOUR life?

My dad is 90 and as I watch him face the challenges of an aging body and mind, I feel myself thinking more and more about growing old and end of life.  I wonder what do people regret the most at the end of their lives? I found an article about a nurse who recorded the most common regrets of the dying and promised that I would live my life today so that I don’t have these regrets at the end of my life.  

I want to share these with you here and some recent experiences that have given me the opportunity to keep this promise to myself  especially when it would have been so much easier to do otherwise. My wish is that what I learned will inspire you to look at your own choices and actions today so that you don’t have these regrets on your last day of life.

Here are the top 5 regrets of the dying:
  1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
  2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
  3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
  5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.  
I recently attended the Blue Ridge Institute for Southern Community Executives. I had no clue how much I would enjoy this amazing group and take away from the week long conference, both professionally and personally. One of many personal highlights was pushing myself out of my comfort zone by participating in the talent show. I challenged myself to sing for the first time in public a song I wrote. I was so overwhelmed to hear my song come to life with the beautiful accompaniment of Patrick on piano that it literally brought me to tears.
I was so nervous  that my throat got all dry and I actually had trouble breathing. When the crowd gave me an overwhelming standing ovation, I felt on top of the world. In my LIGHTEN UP coaching practice I always encourage my clients to push beyond their comfort zones so this was a great opportunity to practice what I preach.  I proudly kept my promise to avoid regret #5 and let myself be happy by stopping to play it safe. By letting go of my ego and pride and just having the courage to be my true self I got to experience a wonderful sense of joy that night that I would have otherwise denied myself.
I came home on an incredible high to sadly find out that a very close friend, Guy, had passed away from cancer and that another close friend, Chris, just found out that she has cancer throughout her whole body with only four months to live. I was absolutely devastated. As a cancer survivor myself who also lost my mother to cancer, this forced me to again to reflect on end of life. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, but in facing the death of loved ones it is difficult to uphold this belief.
A few days later I decided to visit my dear friend Chris on the way to visiting my dad. She had a nurse over doing some medical assessments so I couldn’t stay long. I left the house barely able to contain my tears and totally lost it once I got to my car. I hurt for her so badly.
As I finally wiped away my tears I started thinking about my To-Do List and how I really didn’t have a lot of time left that day to spend with my dad. That’s when I thought about the promise I’d made to myself that I would not allow myself to have those same regrets at the end of my life as the people interviewed by the Palliative nurse. I didn’t want to reach my end of life feeling “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard”.
I took a step back to ask myself what was really most important to me that Friday afternoon. Did I really need to work so hard that day? Could I spend more time with my dad instead without feeling guilty? Could I allow myself that happiness? I made the conscious choice to be with my dad the rest of that afternoon. Every Friday at his senior’s home they have Happy Hour at 3:30pm. I decided to go with him to Happy Hour that day. I needed to celebrate life with my dad and enjoy his company. It meant so much to both of us.
Life is so precious. Every moment is a gift and we need to take a step back and look at what we are doing to fill those moments. What choices do we make? What actions do we take? We needn’t feel guilty or selfish to choose happiness even when those around us are suffering. It’s okay to be happy.
I don’t fear death, but I do fear having unnecessary regrets at the end of my life. I conquer that fear by finding the courage to choose health and happiness wherever possible and do what it takes to avoid the top 5 regrets of the dying listed above.  Sometimes this means challenging my own attitudes, habits and beliefs about work, productivity and success. As an entrepreneur, this is not always so easy to do. Sometimes it means taking time to reflect on who I really am and what matters most to me.  I know it’s not always easy to find the courage within to be true to yourself, step beyond your comfort zone, reach for your dreams and overcome the obstacles that can get in the way. However, what I’ve learned is how worth it it is when you do, even in those times when things don’t always turn out as you planned or hoped.
When you go for it, at least you have a chance to avoid the regrets. When you hold yourself back, deny who you truly are and never challenge yourself, then you know for sure you won’t get what you want.
Never give up on something
you really want.
It's difficult to wait,
but it's more difficult to regret.
- Author Unknown

Learn about Roslyn Franken’s
LIGHTEN UP Coaching and Motivational Speaking services

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why eat more of this amazing fruit

Are there some foods that you don't eat often, but when you do  you wonder why you don't eat them more often? That's what happened to me the other day when I sliced open and ate the most amazingly fresh and juicy grapefruit. It was a total juicy flavour explosion that reminded me of all the health benefits of this yummy fruit and made me decide to eat it on a more regular basis.

Whether you eat a grapefruit or pour yourself a glass if icy cold grapefruit juice this summer, here are some reasons why you'll want to add this delicious fruit to your diet:

  • It tastes yummy: If you enjoy the taste, you'll want to eat it.
  • Keeps you hydrated: With spending more time outdoors in hot summer weather, staying hydrated is a top health priority. If you don't like drinking plain water, you can increase your hydration by eating fresh juicy fruits like grapefruits.
  • Healthy dose of Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an important vitamin to maintain a strong and healthy immune system. An who wants to get sick in the summer?
  • High in fiber: an orange gives you 7 grams, an apple 5 grams and a banana 4 grams. But only half a grapefruit gives you a whopping 6 grams of fiber. That's about a quarter of the amount nutritional experts typically recommend. Fiber helps you stay fuller longer so you eat less and also helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Great way to stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight.
So, go grab your grocery list and add 'grapefruits'. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Wishing you a healthy, happy Summer.

Want to beat stress, weigh less and live a healthy, happy life? Check out my LIGHTEN UP coaching services. I'm here to help you every step of the way.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

For you to Thrive and NOT just survive

If you want to thrive in your life and NOT just survive, then check out what I have here to inform, inspire and uplift you toward a better life and a healthier, happier YOU!

How to Thrive After 35 Radio Show

Ken WallaceOn my radio show, “How to Thrive After 35”, I feature incredible guests each month who share powerful insights and practical wisdom to help you thrive in your life and NOT just survive.

Listen now to my dynamic interview with Ken Wallace where you’ll discover how to be your better self in simple and realistic ways. Ken Wallace is a motivational speaker, author and co-star of the new hit self-help movie, The Keeper of the Keys, starring Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and John Gray. Keep reading for more info on this wonderful self-help film.

The Keeper of the Keys“The KEEPER of the KEYS” is now available on DVD!

Discover the movie that has everyone talking. Stephen Simon, Co-founder of The Spiritual Cinema Circle, Producer of Somewhere in Time and What Dreams May Come, and Producer/Director of Conversations with God and Indigo said, "The Keeper of The Keys is the most innovative and entertaining film of its kind ever made. Wildly original, howlingly funny, fast-paced, and utterly delightful in every way, the film is truly a gift to the world. True to its ad copy, the film takes "the hell out of self-help" and is the new gold standard in its genre. When you see this movie, you will learn, laugh, and clap your hands with joy!"

This is a DVD you will want to own - to watch it with family and friends again and again. Discover who is the real “Keeper of the Keys” in this brilliant, funny, touching film that stars personal development favorites Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff, along with 15 outstanding experts from around the world. There has never been a movie like this before.

Treat yourself to this unique movie experience. Visit the movie website HERE and be sure to put in 'ROSLYN' as the discount code to get your $5.00 off the regular price when you order your DVD today. You’ll see why this movie is “taking the ‘Hell’ out of self-help!”

Questions? Comments? Call me at 613-843-0155, toll-free 1-877-852-5852 or send email to
Connect with Roslyn

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For more information about Roslyn's speaking and coaching services or to purchase copies of her book, The A List, visit Roslyn online at or call 613-843-0155 or toll-free 1-877-852-5852.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Delicious Carrot Pineapple Raisin salad can help you lose weight and gain health

This is a photo of leftovers from this delicious carrot salad recipe I made with last night's dinner. Not only does it taste good (and my husband loved it too, I might add), but it's a winning choice if you're looking to shed some unwanted pounds, eat an overall healthier diet and even relieve some stress.

Here's the recipe and all it's yummy health and weight loss benefts:

6 medium carrots peeled and thickly grated
3 pineapple rings cut into small chunks
1 green onion finely chopped
1/2 cup plain non-fat all natural yogurt
1/3 cup pineapple juice
1/3 cup raisins

Mix ingredients in bowl and serve.

Health Benefits of Carrots:
  • Carrots are naturally low in calories
  • Carrots are naturally low in fat and saturates
  • Carrots count towards your five-a-day
  • Carrots are naturally low in salt
  • Carrots are high in fibre
  • Carrots help boost our intake of vitamin A
  • Carrots may help you see in the dark
  • Carrots are great for healthy, younger-looking skin
  • Carrots may help to protect your skin from sun damage
  • Carrots help to keep your immune system strong
  • Adding a little fat enhances the goodness of carrots in salad
  • Eat them raw or cooked -  Research shows more betacarotene is absorbed from cooked, puréed carrots than from raw ones

Weight Loss Benefits of Carrots

To get the best nutritional benefits from eating raw carrots you need to chew them really really well. Eating my carrot salad recipe will take you time. The good news is that time is your best friend when you're trying to lose weight.

Most of us wolf down our meals. When we eat the typical fast foods available today such as burgers, pizza, hotdogs, wings, etc...they're so easy to eat that we don't even have to put the food down between bites. This is dangerous when it comes to health and digestion. It's the kind of less healthy hand to mouth foods that are easy and fast to eat and require such minimal chewing that get us into trouble. They go down so fast that before you know it we've overeaten and reaching for the antacids.

When you eat this carrot salad, it forces you to slow down and chew your food. This gives your brain a chance to catch up with your mouth and signal you to let you know you're actually full.

So how does this help with weight loss? Next time you're sitting down to a big meal, start with a carrot salad like my recipe and eat a half to one cup. By the time you're done you will already start to feel full and will be less tempted to over-indulge on the rest of your meal. Just watch how much the people around you will have eaten in the same timeframe. This is a great trick if you're going to a summer picnic or potluck. You be the one to bring this healthy, light salad that everyone will love and you be sure to eat a portion of it first before diving into the rest of the meal. You'll consume less calories, feel fuller sooner and your mouth will be so busy chewing that you won't have a chance to be popping those blocks of fatty cheese, or handfuls of chips into your mouth.

Stress Relief Benefits of Carrots

How does it help with stress relief? Often when we're stressed we turn to foods that we can crunch down on. Crunching down on raw carrots will relieve stress and give you way more nutritional benefits than potato chips or other crunchy snack foods.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.
For more recipes, visit

Want to join my Lighten Up Wisdom Circle and discover how to lighten up for good in body, mind and soul? FREE 1-month membership now available. Limited number of V.I.P Passes.

Questions? Call me at 613-843-0155, toll-free 1-877-852-5852 or send email to
Connect with Roslyn

Friday, May 4, 2012

108-year old Mother reveals secret to longevity

In honour of Mother's Day, I am pleased to share with you this inspiring story of Alice Herz Sommer. At age 108, Holocaust survivor Alice Herz Sommer still practices piano for 3 hours every day. At age 104, she had a book written about her life: "A Garden Of Eden In Hell." At age 83, she had cancer. Alice survived the concentration camps through her music, her optimism and her gratitude for the small things that came her way - a smile, a kind word, the sun. When asked about the secret of her longevity, Alice says: "I look where it is good."

Alice's story touched me personally as my mother too was a holocaust survivor who didn't play piano, but had the most beautiful singing voice. My mother thrived through her music like Alice. She would lose herself in beautiful melodies, forgetting her pain and suffering for those brief periods not only from the concentration camps, but later in fighting her cancer, just like Alice. I honour my mother for Mother's Day by sharing this video with you. Don't miss this powerful video. It features an interview with renowned Motivational Speaker, Anthony Robbins. If you want to be moved, inspired and learn some simple truths that can change your life, watch this video and pass this email along to others.

What inspired you most about this video? Your comments are welcome.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Personal Visit with Jack Canfield

On December 8, 2011, I had the pleasure  of spending close to two hours up-close and personal with Jack Canfield in a booth at The Palms restaurant in Las Vegas.  I spent about twenty minutes interviewing Jack for my radio show, How to Thrive After 35, and the rest of the time we just talked. This was all just a dream a few short months earlier so I thought it would be fun to share with you how I turned this dream into reality. This is a story of setting a goal, dreaming big, synchronicity, not giving up and seizing opportunity. This is a story of excitement and accomplishment. My wish is that my story will inspire you to dare to dream big and go after your dreams too. You just never know what could happen if you just take action.

Here’s what happened:
I first met Jack Canfield in July 2011 at the eWomen Network conference in Dallas where both Jack and I were interviewed for an Oprah-inspired documentary to air on the OWN network. Jack was interviewed right before me so when I walked into the room, I had the unexpected opportunity to introduce myself to Jack and of course have a photo taken with him. Other self-help experts interviewed for the documentary include Lisa Nicols, Les Brown as well as others, some of whom are also known for their appearance in the movie, The Secret. I was so excited to meet Jack and be interviewed for the Oprah documentary that I didn’t even think to invite Jack to be a guest on my radio show. It only occurred to me afterwards. Even then I wasn’t sure how to go about it. I just knew it was something I wanted and had to do. The goal was set. The seed had been planted. The dream had begun.

However, as things like this often go, I just dreamed at how amazing it would be to have Jack on my radio show and then got stuck at the dream stage.  I just put it out there and in a sense let it go as I had no idea how it could possibly all come together. Then as synchronicity, law of attraction, divine intervention or whatever you want to call it, a few months later, I interviewed Steve Olsher, known as America’s Reinvention Expert, who mentioned that he is co-starring in a new self-help movie called The Keeper of The Keys starring Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and John Gray. How amazing was that? This was the link to Jack that got the ball rolling. From there I introduced myself to Robin Jay, the producer of the film.
Robin and I totally hit it off and I knew I had to have her on my radio show too. I was completely enthralled with her energy and her concept of taking the hell out of self-help movies. I was then totally honoured when she invited me to attend the Red Carpet Movie Premiere event in Las Vegas as well as the V.I.P. Luncheon to meet all the stars of the movie. I came up with the idea to have all the stars and co-stars on my radio show to promote her movie and give added exposure especially to the lesser known co-stars of the film. It turned out to be an ideal opportunity to meet them all in person and do some live instead of the usual recorded interviews. If you haven’t yet listened to my interviews with these self-help experts posted to date including an amazing interview with Marci Shimoff, please be sure to do so at

Building on the personal and professional connection I had already made with Jack, I invited him to be a guest on my show to not only promote his role in The Keeper of the Keys film, but also to promote his personal story of how he became the success he is today as well as his newest book, The Golden Motorcycle Gang which Jack is clearly very passionate about as you'll hear in the interview.
After many emails with his office back and forth, I was told that I could have five minutes with Jack following the V.I.P. luncheon event at the Palms restaurant in the Caesar’s Palace hotel and that it was up to me to grab him after his photo sessions. Needless to say I stood close by as I couldn't let the opportunity pass me by and managed to even get in on the photo session too. I knew I only had a few minutes so we had to improvise as to location for the interview. We quickly grabbed a booth in the restaurant as I didn't want to waste any precious time traveling to another location. The unfortunate part is that the acoustics were not great and there is some background noise in the interview, but that was the compromise I had no choice but to make.

Sitting in that booth one-on-one with Jack Canfield was surreal. After months since the idea came to me, it was finally happening. I was excited but not nervous. I was proud that I could be an example of what Jack teaches in terms of setting and achieving goals which is partly what we chatted about in the radio interview. There I was sitting in a restaurant booth directly across someone I have looked up to for years. After all, Jack Canfield is the co-author of the #1 New York Times best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which has sold more than 500 million copies in 47 languages. He is considered America’s number one success coach and authored the bestseller “The Success Principles”. Jack is also a featured teacher in the movies The Secret and Tapping the Source and most recently The Keeper of the Keys; and has appeared on more than 1,000 radio and television programs. Jack is also the CEO of the Canfield Training Group and the founder of the Transformational Leadership Council.

I did not ask Jack for anything. I did not ask him to endorse my book or the typical things that authors may ask of him. It meant more to me to just have the time with him to get to know one another, to share, to engage, to connect and to share him with the listeners of my radio show around the world. I invite you to listen to my interview with Jack and not miss a moment. I do apologize for the background noise, but if you can put that aside and focus on the content, I promise you will be engaged and inspired. I invite you to soak in Jack’s wisdom and learn from his experience and of course to get copies of his books and join his online community at



Sunday, April 1, 2012

Does one's body size and appearance determine our expectations?

Have you seen the YouTube video about Jonathan and Charlotte on Britain's Got Talent? See As much as I was moved to tears by their beautiful singing and humility, I was also intrigued by how Simon, the other judges, and the entire audience laughed as this boy and his friend first came on stage. Although those laughs quickly turned to applause and tears when Jonathan and Charlotte started to sing, I couldn’t help but wonder why they were all laughing in the first place? Is it because of Jonathan’s size and appearance?  Did his size and appearance cause everyone to have such low expectations of what talent this boy could possibly have?  

If yes, then why would they have such low expectations of him? Is it because there’s this notion or pre-judgment in our society that someone who is oversized and not attractive in the mainstream way can’t possibly be talented? Is talent only reserved for the slim and beautiful among us? How many people on the judge’s panel and in the audience consider themselves religious or spiritual, I wonder? If many of them are, then as they sat there laughing, does it mean they believe that God only chooses attractive people to bestow his/her talents and gifts upon? I’m just sharing my thoughts here and I’d love to hear what yours are. I wonder how many of those reading this article feel the way I do. Does what happened in this video imply that we really expect less from people who are overweight or less attractive than our society’s definition of beauty? If some of those people are already self-conscious enough as it is in their size and appearance, do our obvious low expectations of them help or hinder them? What then happens to their expectations of themselves?

As a personal coach who helps people lighten up for good through healthy lifestyle, weight management, stress reduction and emotional resilience, I have come across clients in my own practice who have told me that although they say  they want to lose weight, get in shape and improve their health, lifestyle and confidence, underneath it all maybe on some level they don’t really want to. Why do I say this? Because I ask them ‘what underlying reason might you have to stay exactly the way you are now?’ An answer I’ve heard more than a few times goes something like this: “Maybe if I lose the weight and get healthy and confident, I’d have no more excuses to go after my dreams. Other people’s expectations would be higher of me and I’d be more than likely to have higher expectations of myself because I’d have no more excuses. I don’t know if I want that responsibility to live up to and what if I fail?” I’m not saying this is true for everyone, but the question I have for you is what are YOUR expectations of YOURSELF? What are YOUR excuses for not living the healthy, happy life you want? Do you truly want to be healthy and happy? What is stopping you?

These are the questions I help people answer in my coaching practice. I have helped many people set themselves free and move forward in their lives in more positive and meaningful ways by learning how to LIGHTEN UP FOR GOOD in ways that are way more meaningful than just a number on the scale. Many of us are overweight in ways that don’t even show up on a scale as our excess weight is carried in our hearts and in our minds. That weight can be just as harmful to our health and quality of life than the physical weight we can see on our bodies.  If you want to weigh less, beat stress and truly lighten up for good, then start today by simply making the decision that you are worth it and then get started. The decision will lead to commitment and if you are truly committed, then the right solutions will find you. Make the decision, make the commitment and never give up.

What are your thoughts on what I’ve shared in this article? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please send comments to

For more information about Roslyn’s LIGHTEN UP coaching services, visit Roslyn offers a limited number of complimentary telephone consultations each month. To take advantage of this opportunity, send email request to with subject line: Complimentary Consultation Request. Or call today at 613-843-0155. Consultations are booked on a first come first served basis, so don’t wait, email or call today.
YouTube video

Monday, March 5, 2012

Do you have a teen in your life? Then don't miss what this teen star has to say.

Roslyn Franken and Raven MagwoodOn Dec. 8/11, I had the privilege of meeting 17-year old Raven Magwood, published author, motivational speaker, filmmaker and co-star of “The KEEPER of the KEYS” movie starring Jack Canfield, John Gray, Marci Shimoff and a host of other amazing co-stars.
I was especially eager to meet her in person after interviewing her just days before for my radio show called 'How to Thrive After 35'. If you've never listened to my show, then what are you waiting for? Now's the time to start. Over the next few months, I'll be bringing you more exciting interviews with stars from the newest self-help film,
“The KEEPER of the KEYS”, produced by an amazing woman I've come to know, Robin Jay.

Maybe you're wondering WHY I would interview a teen for a radio show targeted to those over 35?
Because many of my listeners are raising teens or have teens in their familes. Because I believe that too many teens and parents alike do not recognize their gifts, purpose and potential. Because Raven Magwood is an example for us all, teens and parents alike and anyone just needing that boost to get their lives on a more fulfilling track.

Listen to this amazing teen and how she is making a difference in this world. Get ready to be inspired. Raven shares her winning attitude, practical guidance and inspiring messages on how to maximize your own personal potential and help your teen do the same.

The photo above of me with Raven was taken in Las Vegas on Dec. 8th, 2011 at the Red Carpet Movie Premiere event of The Keeper of the Keys.

LISTEN NOW and be sure to share this interview. Be sure to tune in next month for my live interview with Jack Canfield.



©Copyright Roslyn Franken Group, a division of 10-Q Enterprises Inc. 2006.
All  rights reserved worldwide.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


My husband and I are both foodies. We love all kinds of food. Trying new recipes, tasting new foods and discovering new restaurants gives us tremendous amounts of pleasure. Why? Because it’s fun and it tastes good, why else? So when my husband recently got a bacterial infection in his colon and was told he had to follow the BRATTY diet, it was devastating. The BRATTY diet stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast, Tea and Yogurt. That’s it. That’s all he could eat. Nothing more and nothing less. After just one day on the diet, he already started feeling much better, but he still had a week to go on the diet.  Here’s what happened and some vital lessons we’re learning from this experience that can help you manage your own love of food. And if want to lose weight, this article will help you too.

While on his strict diet, we went to a friend’s house warming party and the food was incredible. They really went all out with a variety of gourmet cheeses and crackers, crab salad, jumbo shrimp, meatballs, a selection of wonderful fresh breads, gourmet cookies and so much more. And sadly all my sweetie could eat was his cooked rice, bananas, applesauce and yogurt that we brought with us in Tupperware containers. He pleaded with me, “Can’t I just have a little bit of all the other wonderful foods?” Jokingly I said, “Eat as much of it as you like as long as you don’t swallow it.” He said, “Really???” And so what he did was put the foods in his mouth to taste it, chewed it a few times and then spit it out into a napkin. I know that sounds disgusting, but he was very discreet and it allowed him to enjoy the taste without suffering the painful consequences. When people go to a wine tasting, they swish the wine in their mouths and spit it out openly into a bucket so how can what he did be so bad? The taste and spit strategy allowed him to have the satisfaction of the taste without the added calories and more importantly in his case the pain and negative consequences of his illness. I must say he’s looking a bit trimmer this past week than prior to his illness.

Now that he’s getting better, we’re slowly introducing more foods to the diet, but still avoiding dairy and sugar and keeping things really simple as in no spices and very little fat, if any. The strange thing is that the grilled chicken with no sauce or seasonings actually tasted really good. Last night we baked fish in the oven coated with egg and breadcrumbs, that’s it. You know what? It was really good. Neither of us missed the usual seasonings and sauces that we’d normally put all over our food. Not only was it good, but we were actually satisfied with a smaller portion. I’m not suggesting that you start eating all your food without seasonings and sauces, I’m just suggesting that so much of how we eat or how we think our foods ‘should’ be eaten is simply a matter of habit. He also tried some salad but with no dressing to avoid the fat. He said he didn’t mind it at all and that it was nowhere as bad as he thought it would be. He said he would even do it again when he’s not on the BRATTY diet for when there may be a lot of excess fat in other parts of the meal. As for his tea, he’d normally take sugar, but recently switched from sugar to honey. With the BRATTY diet, he couldn’t even add honey so he had to drink it straight. He was astounded at how good it tasted to him without the honey. For years he always added a lot of sugar because that was his habit. He never thought he could enjoy his tea without any sweetener and get used to it in such a short time.

Taking this all to heart, I went to a business luncheon yesterday and had the chicken in a cream sauce, steamed vegetables, a bun and salad. Since the sauce was somewhat creamy, I opted to have no butter on the bun and no dressing on the salad like I normally would so as to compensate for the creamy sauce that I chose to partake in on my chicken. I didn’t miss the butter or dressing one bit. All this to say is that the choices we make in our food, how we eat and the portion sizes are so much a matter of habit.

I encourage you to look at your habits. Look at what you eat and why you eat it in the way you do. Do you really have to add all that salt, butter, mayo, sugar and sauces to your foods? Do you really have to order dessert with your meal? Do you really have to have that extra glass of wine or beer and that before bedtime treat? Do you really have to have all that extra cheese on your pizza? Do one thing slightly different today and see how it goes. A little less salt on your food, a little less sugar in your coffee or tea, a little less butter on your roll, a little less cheese on your pizza. Or maybe one less cookie or handful of chips. Focus on one thing and let me know if you have a success.

Email me at and let me know the changes you've made, your successes,  how it felt and if you think you could do it again. How much of a difference did it really make? Was it so bad that you would never do it again? If you have habits you want to change, whether in your eating habits or otherwise, just pay attention and do one thing differently that you can feel proud of at the end of the day.

Roslyn Franken is a proud cancer survivor, motivational speaker, author, coach and radio host committed to helping people lighten up for good. Using her 9 proven life-changing principles for healthy eating and positive living, Roslyn inspires and educates people on how to live healthy and be happy for life. For more information, visit


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So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo

Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book,   Meant to Be ,   is available as an eBook. U...