Friday, December 3, 2010

Roslyn's 2-minute Healthy Hints for a Stress Free Holiday Season

Roslyn's Healthy Hints for a Stress Free Holiday Season
It’s the start of December and the holiday season buzz is already starting.  Office parties are nearing, decorations will soon go up, and the flurry of holiday advertising on radio, television, newspapers and in flyers, malls and shops will soon be upon us. It is a magical time of year with all its festive tradition, however, with all the hustle and bustle it is also a season when many people find themselves overwhelmed, overstressed and overtired.  
On top of your regular daily responsibilities, you must now start thinking about gift buying, planning family gatherings, deciding on holiday dinner menus and getting your holiday baking done.  This all takes time and energy, which for most of us are two very precious commodities nowadays. 
If not managed properly, you could create the type of stress and anxiety that could easily lead to comfort eating and associated weight gain and depressive mindset.  With all the extra socializing, holiday treats and alcohol readily available, it can be even more difficult to eat properly especially if you’re overstressed and overtired. Let’s look at some key ways to minimize your stress levels for a healthy holiday season.
Click HERE for complete article

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are you ready for change?

You would think that change is a four letter word the way that so many people avoid it all costs, especially when it comes to changing their habits. As a Healthy Living and Weight Loss coach, one of the biggest challenges I face is to help people understand that Change can actually be their best friend if they would just learn to embrace it rather than resist it. I learned this hard lesson many times over through the many adversities and painful losses I have had to face in my life that forced me into change. The first example that comes to mind was when I was diagnosed with cancer at age 29. I had to change many of my habits in how I thought, how I talked to myself and how I dealt with the people and events that caused me stress and anxiety. I knew that negative stress and anxiety would only steal away the positive healing energy that I needed to fight my fight and beat my cancer. I discovered so many attitudes that caused me what I call "self-inflicted" stress. Working through these attitudes later helped me in my weight loss journey as well and I am proud to say that I have not only lost the excess weight that had once weighed me down physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but I have now kept that weight off for over six years.

Changing my thinking, changing my attitudes and changing my behaviours has truly changed my body and my life. I now help others do the same and could not think of a more rewarding way to make a living and live out my purpose on this planet. I would not be where I am right now if I did not open up my arms to the universe and say "Change, I am going to take you on regardless of my fears and self-doubts."

If you want to change your health, change your body, change your thinking and change your life, and enjoy the better quality of life you so desire and deserve, you can do it. It is not a question of whether you CAN do it or not, it is merely a question of whether or not you CHOOSE to do it. The question is how important is it to you and what are you prepared to do about it?

If one of the areas you want to change in your life is to eat healthy and control your weight, then I invite you to take my FREE Readiness Assessment today and find out how ready you are for change.

What do YOU want to change in YOUR life? Drop me a line at I'd love to hear from you.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Tired of letting your weight get you down?

Then how about getting your weight down instead? Consider this...
Which of the following statements ring true for you?
  • I’m unhappy with my weight and physical appearance and want to lose weight and get in shape.
  • I’m tired of feeling tired and want to have more energy.
  • I don’t eat properly or exercise regularly and want to improve my overall health and well-being.
  • I am self-conscious in my appearance and want to have greater self-confidence.
  • I'm afraid of developing weight-related health risks such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, some forms of cancer and more and want to do something about it
  • I've been on all kinds of diets in the past only to lose the weight and gain it all back and I'm now looking for a realistic and sustainable solution.
  • My doctor told me that I need to lose weight and I know I need to do something about it
If one or more of the above statements rings true for you, then imagine if you could hear the following statements inside your head instead...
  • I am in control of my weight and am in better shape than ever.
  • I have lots of energy and am doing things now that I never dreamed possible.
  • I am in good overall health and have a renewed sense of well-being.
  • I have an easier time finding clothes that fit properly and enjoy clothes shopping again.
  • I am confident in my appearance and in my inner self.
  • I am taking proper self-care measures to minimize my diet, weight and lifestyle related health risks.
  • I know that what I'm doing to eat better, feel better and live better is something I can realistically do for the rest of my life.
  • My doctor is pleased with the direction my health is going!
The good news is you absolutely CAN turn your health and weight around for a healthier and happier life, not just according to the number on the scale, but in terms of how much lighter you can ultimately feel about your food, your body and your inner self. 

I have not only turned my own health, weight, body and mindset around for greater health and happiness, but I have helped thousands of others do the same. The A List Weight Loss program I offer is unlike any other program that I am aware of especially given that it is facilitated by me personally, someone who has been there and understands your pain and challenges and what it takes to not only lose the weight but also keep it off!

If you're looking to make positive changes to how you look and feel for greater health and happiness, then it all starts with a decision and your readiness to do what it takes to make it happen. With Halloween and the holiday season fast approaching, NOW is the time to take action so that you don't find yourself starting another New Year feeling weighed down physically, mentally and emotionally by the dreaded post-holiday weight gain blues.

The question is...
Are YOU ready to take control of your health and weight for a life of greater health and happiness?

Find out now by taking The A List Online Readiness Assessment today with no cost to you except for just an investment of a few minutes of your time. Now available at: 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Listen to Roslyn LIVE tonight on Let's Talk About it Radio

Young Adult Cancer Survivors from across the world are filling the air waves with hope and inspiration. Hosted by fellow young adult cancer survivor Darren Neuberger - this show gives survivors an opportunity to the world know who they are. They share with us all stories of their lives pre-cancer, during or in treatment and how they are living their lives today.

Listen live at

Getting back to Blogging

It sure has been a busy last few months and keeping up with my Blog posts has been a bit of a challenge. So much great stuff going on and it's time I share with you and bring you up to date.

Here are just some of the wonderful things happening lately that I'm excited to share with you.

In June I launched The A List Group Weight Loss Program. I have an outstanding group of 8 women who I am leading through a powerful process of self-discovery. They are not just losing weight physically, but truly reprogramming their relationship with food, their bodies, their mindsets and their inner self. I feel so very privileged to be part of their journey.

****** I still have a few spots open for my next Group Weight Loss Program starting on August 31st, so if you're looking to eat better, control your weight, improve your life and feel great, come on and join the group. I've got an unbelievable special offer now, so make sure you check it out at

In June I also launched my new radio show on Motivational Radio. My show is called Wellness Wisdom and it is LIVE every Friday night from 8:00 to 9:00pm. Last show I had over 500,000 listeners worldwide... absolutely phenomenal! Listen live at I am also posting recordings of past shows on my website at That is the page where the links currently reside.

These are just some of the exciting things happening. What exciting things are happening for you these last few months? I'd love to hear about some recent successes and achievements in your life.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Did you know that weekends are typically the most challenging and dangerous time for controlling your weight? That was certainly the truth for me when I was struggling with my eating, weight and lifestyle habits. Want to learn how I overcame it? Then, I invite you to check out my latest ezine artice, Hints for Weekend Weight Management Success.

My next Group Weight Loss program is starting June 14th. For more information and to sign up now, click HERE.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Turn your Weight Loss Promise into Reality

On May 4th, Matthew Cossolotto is launching 'Make A Promise Day' - the only holiday dedicated to personal empowerment and goal achievement. I recently interviewed Matthew on my radio show, How To Thrive After 35 Talk Radio, in order to share him, his story and 'Make A Promise Day' with my listeners. I invite you to listen to this inspiring interview at

After the interview I started thinking about how relevant 'Make A Promise Day' is for those struggling to lose weight, get in shape and feel better about themselves. I know what that struggle is like, because I've been there. For any of you who have been known to jump from diet to diet only to lose the weight and then gain it all back again, the problem is that somewhere along the line you lose sight of your focus, motivation and commitment. Something throws you off track and next thing you know you're right back into your old habits.

What I learned in my weight loss journey was that all the jumping from diet to diet, searching for that magic solution that would give me the fastest and easiest results, was nothing more than a waste of time and money. What promised to be fast and easy was really only slower and harder over the course of time.

If you're stuck in trying those Quick Fix solutions without getting the lasting results you so desire, then why not break the cycle like I did? What is the first step?

The first step is to make a promise.


Typically when we want to lose weight, get in shape and improve our lifestyle, we set very rigid goals and deadlines. I hear people say things like "I want to lose 50 lbs by my 50th birthday" or "I want to fit into a size 6 dress by my wedding day." The problem with setting rigid goals and deadlines like these is that they are often unrealistic and unforgiving.

As Matthew said in my interview with him, there is a difference between setting goals and making a promise. He said that with goals, "there is no emotional attachment" the same way as when you make a promise. He reminded me of what my mother always used to say, "A promise is a promise." What she meant is that when you make a promise to someone, you have to follow through. If you do not follow through on your promise, you are compromising your own integrity and trust with that person. Just think of a time when someone made a promise to you and did not follow through. How did it make you feel about that person? Next time they promise to do something for you, will you believe in them? So just imagine what this means when you make a promise to yourself.

In order to make a promise to yourself and honour that promise, especially when it it to lose weight, get in shape and feel better about yourself, you really need to put some thought into it. You need to look at HOW you're making that promise.

Here are some PROMISE MAKING CRITERIA to consider:

  1. Ask yourself WHY you are making this promise?
  2. What outcomes are you hoping to achieve?
  3. Who else is this going to impact? For example, if you are taking better care of yourself and feeling better, then it can have a direct impact on your partner and children. When you feel better about yourself, you are in a better position to have healthier relationships with others.
  4. When you think of who else this is going to impact, you could also make a promise directly to them so you are held accountable. You can explain to them exactly what you need from them that will help you the most. You may need to teach them what kind of support you need and how they can best supply it.
  5. Do I have enough time to to do what I'm promising? For example, if you promise to cook healthier meals from scratch daily and go to the gym 5 times a week, is this realistic? If not, then you'll have to look at what changes you need to make in your daily activities in order to fulfill this promise. You may need to delegate certain activities, or look at how you are prioritizing your time in order to have more time for better self-care. Before you make promises to yourself or others, look at what needs to happen in order to keep your promise and be sure you are prepared to make those changes. If not, then don't make a promise you can't keep. Remember that your integrity and trust within yourself is as important as the integrity and trust you show to others.
  6. Is the desired outcome important enough to me at this time to make this promise? If you're not fully committed to your promise and your heart is not fully in it, then maybe it's not the right time to make that promise. If you're going to make the promise, be sure it is important enough to you that you will honour it.
  7. Do I have everything I need to fulfill my promise? Do I already have all the knowledge and expertise I require? Or, do I need to reach out for additional help and support? It is important to be fully honest with yourself. If you have made similar promises in the past and were unable to fulfill them on your own, remember that there is no shame in asking for help.

May 4th is 'Make A Promise Day'. I encourage you to learn more at and start thinking of what promises you can make to yourself to take better care of your health, weight and well-being. Remember to ask yourself the questions above and really reflect on your Promise and what it means to you BEFORE you make it.

As a cancer survivor who has also overcome my own struggles with food, weight and lifestyle obstacles, I have helped many others overcome their similar health and life challenges. If you think you can benefit from additional help and support in overcoming your weight, health and lifestyle challenges, then I invite you to learn more about my A List Weight Loss Programs by going to

For my interview with 'Make A Promise Day' founder, Matthew Cossolotto, go to

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Can Verbal Abuse Affect your Weight?

I recently interviewed a very special guest on my radio show, How to Thrive After 35 Talk Radio. Her name is Kim Roman Corle, expert on Verbal and Emotional abuse. Kim knows this subject all too well as she herself was married to a verbal abuser and went from a fairy tale wedding to a divorce that had her fleeing the house with kids and pets. Subsequently, she lost everything and had to start all over. From her experiences, Kim is now determined to help others manage themselves through difficult situations and learn how to take back their power, especially if they are in a verbally abusive relationship. If this topic is relevant for you or someone you know, then you really need to listen to this interview available online now at

When I was listening back to the interview, something that struck me was that perhaps not all of us are victims of verbally abusive relationships with others. However, I do believe that there are many of us who are extremely verbally and emotionally abusive toward ourselves. I call this verbal and emotional SELF-ABUSE. From many of my weight loss coaching clients who I have helped over the years, this is truly a pattern I have seen over and over. If we talked to other people the ways we talk to ourselves, we may just be called Verbal Abusers. Do you ever listen to the way you beat up on yourself when you eat something that is not really healthy? Do you talk to yourself filled with guilt and shame when you overeat or overindulge in your favourite foods? If you are struggling in an unhealthy and abusive relationship with food or if you are overweight, then you need to listen to how you're talking to yourself. Are you being self-abusive, do you think? And what do you do to feel better? You eat more, right? Would you like it to stop? Do you want to know how much better your life could be if you could turn your abusive behaviours around toward food and your inner self?

That is what I learned to do. That is exactly how I gained control over my eating, weight and lifestyle habits. My passion is now to help people just like you to figure out how to do this for yourself. If you are overweight and think you can benefit from some help and support in changing your own verbal and emotional abuse habits toward yourself, then take one small step today and fill out my new Readiness Assessment online. It's totally FREE and only takes a few minutes of your time. If you are ready for some positive change in your life, you owe it to yourself to check it out at I don't normally use my Blog to promote myself in this way, but when I listened back to Kim and thought about how much we abuse ourselves, I couldn't help but Blog about my thoughts and encourage you to take this step.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

If a 101 Year Old Woman Can Do This, Can YOU?

I recently visited a Senior's community in Sun City, Florida. I have a friend who spends her winters there to escape the cold of the great white North. She took me on a tour of the Club House which included a visit to the gym. Well, I was astonished and amazed at the big poster up on the wall that featured photographs and bios of some of the oldest members of the gym who go there to do their daily workouts and physical activity.

The oldest member, get this, is 101 years old. This little old lady works out in the gym every day. She even had a face lift at age 85. Her secrets to healthy aging include a balanced diet, weight control, regular physical activity and a positive outlook on life. I then started looking at all the other photos and bios on the poster and they were all men and women over age 90 who work out regularly lifting weights and building their strength. How could you not be inspired? And they all had those same healthy aging factors in common. They all believed in balanced eating, healthy weight control, regular physical activity and a positive outlook. A few even added in things like fun and laughter.

It was extremely validating for me to see this because these are the same healthy living and healthy aging factors that I promote to my weight loss coaching clients and through my book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living. I'm telling you that to see these photos and to look around the gym and see all kinds of seniors on treadmills, lifting weights and looking fit and amazing not just for their own age, but for any age, I was in awe.

It just goes to show that you're never too old for healthy living and healthy aging. If they can do it, so can you. No matter what your starting point is, you can renew your own commitment to your own healthy aging starting TODAY. Start slow if you need to, but just start. I know that from what I saw, I am more motivated than ever to continue my own healthy eating and positive living practices.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taming Your Tension Tiger

A few weeks ago I went on a 4-night 5-day cruise from Tampa to Cozumel. It was my first cruise ever and definitely won't be my last. One of things that helped to make it my best vacation ever was that I purposely chose to leave my laptop at home. I knew that if I brought it with me I'd be at risk of spending more time working on my computer than necessary. My mission was to totally immerse myself into a world of fun, relaxation and letting go. I spend so much time on my computer for my work in my day-to-day routine, that taking a break from it can sometimes feel like a challenge. It's so much a part of me and what I do, but I decided that to practice what I preach I would need to let it go so that I could have this time to just "be" and tame my own tension tiger. What do I mean by this? How can you tame your own tension tiger? Keep reading.

When tension strikes, it can be like a tiger jumping on its prey. When your tension tiger is biting at you for prolonged periods of time, it can take a chunk out of you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This can leave you with headaches, digestive problems, a lowered immune system, sleeping disorders, heart problems, some forms of cancer and more. It can also lead to weight problems as you medicate your health issues with your favourite comfort foods that give you a sense of safety and protection.

I've learned through my own and others' experiences that to tame the tension tiger within, we need to learn to let go, have more fun, stop worrying about what others think of us, stretch ourselves beyond our self-imposed limitations and live life fully. It means releasing the weight of your fears and insecurities and just reaching for your dreams. It means feeling good about yourself and doing whatever you need to in order to feel better if you're not feeling that great about yourself to start with.

If your tension tiger is about to strike and sends you to your favourite foods for comfort, safety and protection, if it's causing you to lose sleep, experience stomach problems such as bloating or heartburn, skin problems or other stress-related health issues, or if it's causing you worry, anxiety, panic or depression, then you need to get out that whip and tame that tension tiger within you. You need to bite back, put it in its place and show her/him who's boss.

YOU are the boss of your inner tension tiger and you need to be in good shape to keep it where it belongs. This means improving your diet, incorporating regular physical activity into your routine, getting plenty of rest, staying hydrated and enjoying a more positive outlook toward yourself, others and the world around you. You have to make time for fun too!

I know we can't all go on cruises every day, but who says you need to go away? You can take time for yourself every day and go on a mental, emotional and spiritual cruise. Let go and create a space and time in your day where you can relax your body, calm your mind and soothe your soul without unhealthy foods or other unhealthy vices.

If you need help taming your inner tension tiger, then let me help you. For more information, contact me today at or call 1-877-852-5852.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Business Women Ignite to Be Their Best

On January 15, 2010, I had the joy and honour of speaking to a group of vibrant and ambitious business women at the first BizWomen Ignite event in Tampa, Florida, an event organized by eWomen Network Managing Director, Karen Krymski. The event was a wonderful success. The day opened with Denise Oatley, a comedic hypnotist followed by 5 speakers in total including myself, Suzanne Caplan, Kim Duke, Marsha Friedman and Peggy McColl. Each speaker had a unique message to offer presented in a unique way. The energy in the room was positive, powerful and inspiring.

I want to congratulate Karen for doing such a great job in organizing the event, but also to all the attendees. As a business woman, attending events such as this one is truly a statement to yourself that you are worth the investment of your time, money and commitment not only for the benefit of your business, but for yourself on a personal level as well. I have learned that being an entrepreneur is an extension of yourself. To be both successful and truly fulfilled, you really need to know who you are, what you want and what you're prepared to do to make your dreams come true. These kinds of events offer so much more than just coming to listen to speakers. Events like this give you the opportunity to meet new people, network and learn from one another. When you take an interest in other people and what they have to offer, they may just reciprocate and want to know about you too. It really is a two way street. I'm a big believer in showing interest in others. I can't help it because I love listening to others, learning about them and how they got to where they are. I guess I'm just overly curious. I believe there is something you can learn from anyone you meet. At events like this, it is also helpful to meet like-minded people as you share so much in common just by virtue of being in business for yourself.

So for those who attended, I trust that you enjoyed the event as much as I did. I didn't just enjoy it from a speaker's perspective. I truly enjoyed the event as a participant as well. I met so many extraordinary women in all kinds of businesses who are eager, ambitious and going after their dreams. I wish every single one of you continued health, success and happiness and look forward to seeing you at other events.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

What I Learned About Surviving and Thriving as a Child of Holocaust Survivors

Today I had the honour of interviewing John Franken, an 87-year old Atomic Bomb Survivor and ex-Japanese Prisoner of War, for my radio show How to Thrive after 35 Talk Radio airing January 6, 2010. Notice he has the same last name as me? That’s because he is my dad. Despite the horrors he survived during the war, my dad manages to be one of the most joyful people you could ever meet. While my dad was busy surviving as a prison of war in Nagasaki, Japan, my mother was on the other side of the world busy surviving the concentration camps in Nazi Germany. My mother was one of the most courageous and inspiring women you could ever meet as well. The same fighting spirit that enabled her to survive the war came shining through again later in life as she fought her 21 year battle with cancer that finally came to an end in January 2004.

In interviewing my dad today, it reminded me of the pain, loss and suffering that both my parents endured. It reminded me not only of what a miracle it is that they both survived, but that the universe brought them together and that I am even here on this planet. It reminded me of all they taught me about surviving and thriving as a child of holocaust survivors.

As we bring in the New Year, it truly is a time to reflect on the miracles in our own lives in how blessed we truly are. If you have a roof over your head, if you live in a country where there is peace, if you have a fridge filled with food, a means of income, a clean bill of health and have love in your life, then you are already rich beyond words compared with many others in the world who can only dream of what we have.

We are a society who always wants “more”, yet we often fail to celebrate and appreciate what we already have. When I think of what my parents had to overcome, it makes me appreciate what I have very deeply. It helps me keep my own “whining” into perspective so that I snap out of it and get back on a positive track VERY quickly. They were both tremendous role models for me as I was growing up of what it means to both survive and thrive. Their strength and thriving attitudes gave me the strength and courage I needed when I was battling my cancer, going through divorce, job loss and all the other adversities I have faced. They were my inspiration, especially my mother as she understood first-hand what it meant to be a cancer patient going through treatment and never knowing if and when it would ever poke up it's ugly head again.

We "whine" when the price of gas goes up a few cents as if it is the end of the world or when we have to shovel snow off our driveway. This is not hardship, my friends. I truly believe that we have so much that we don’t even know what true suffering means. It is easy to lose perspective. It is easy to fall into the “whining” trap.

As you start your New Year, I invite you to take stock of all the amazing things you have in your life RIGHT NOW! I invite you to celebrate the good things and keep your “whining” to a minimum. If those around you start incessantly “whining” and you feel yourself spiraling downward with them, then either help them snap out of it, or disengage from them. Instead, surround yourself with people who are as uplifting as you are striving to be as well. Be a role model for others and maybe just maybe you will help uplift someone who may not have otherwise been able to do so.

I wish you all a very happy, healthy and uplifting 2010!

Listen to the interview with my dad on How to Thrive after 35 Talk Radio airing January 6, 2010. Go to

So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo

Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book,   Meant to Be ,   is available as an eBook. U...