Thursday, December 17, 2009
My personal perspective on the Law of Attraction and my Health
It all started over a year ago when I went for a routine mammogram. They found something suspicious so I was immediately sent for an ultrasound and biopsy. Needless to say that with my previous cancer history, having survived Hodgkin's Disease 14 years ago, I was quite shaken up over the prospect of having to go down that path for a second time. I was told that I simply had a "complicated" cyst and it was "probably" nothing to worry about.
I did not tell any of my friends that I was going through this. I just didn't want to make a big deal of it and didn't want to attract any attention to it. My thinking was that if I talked about it, then by the virtue of the Law of Attraction, I would somehow attract a negative outcome. And so, I suffered quietly to myself, shedding the occasional tears of fear, and then picking myself up promptly and moving on, because that is just what I do. After all, I couldn't possibly allow myself to feel fear or any worry around it because the universe might catch me and by the Law of Attraction I would somehow automatically attract a negative outcome. And so, I just pushed my fear away and went about my normal life as best possible.
However, my doctor suggested that we check it again in six months time to make sure nothing had changed. So six months later I went for another mammogram and they saw that it had grown in size. I went for yet another ultrasound and biopsy surgery. Knowing that it had grown in size quite a bit was now raising up those feelings of fear again. Amazing how close at hand they can be. I told my doctor to please just take the sucker out. I did not want this thing in my body any longer especially if it can grow in size that quickly and who knew how else it could change?
As previously, I did not want my friends to know because I didn't want them to worry about me and then be calling to check in on me which would mean I'd have to explain things and be dwelling on it when I just didn't want to have to think about it. If I allowed myself to think about it then once again the Law of Attraction might get me, right?
So what does all this mean? I know that according to the Law of Attrraction (and if you aren't familiar with this term, then I invite you to watch the movie or read the book called, "The Secret")we attract EVERYTHING that happens to us in our lives from the people who show up on our path to the situations we find ourselves in and the events that seemingly just happen to us, such as our illnesses, diseases or other health issues. I believe this to be true and live by it, but yet to think that we attract our own illness, I still have some battles with. This means that we then blame ourselves for everything that happens and live in fear and worry for every thought or feeling we have that may not be 100% positive or happy in a given moment. I believe that the universe is not only working by the Law of Attraction. There are other Laws and Forces at work simultaneously. By not sharing what I was going through and living in my private fear and inner conflict over allowing myself to even have these feelings let alone share them, I believe that the fear and inner conflict itself of sharing with others could do as much damage to my health as the health condition itself.
I believe that we need to live in a way that allows us to minimize fear and other forms of negative stress as much as possible. From what I've seen, the Law of Attraction has in many cases caused people much stress when things don't happen the way they think they "should". I believe in positive thinking , but I also believe that it is not only okay, but also necessary to acknowledge and honour your true feelings about a difficult situation and that it is perfectly okay to allow yourself to feel those feelings, own them and also share them and communicate them so that you can gain comfort from the love and support of others who care about you. This way you can work through the feelings, accept them and then allow yourself to rise above them through the ultimate release of them. This is much healthier than denying your true feelings and pretending that everything is perfectly fine when you know in your deepest truth that it is not okay. Living in denial of your truest feelings does not serve anyone, especially yourself.
So, yes, the Law of Attraction is always at work, but it doesn't mean that you should live in fear, shame or self-blame when things happen in ways that you do not wish for or expect.
I am glad that I did choose to share with others about my surgery two days ago. I got calls and emails from all over wishing me love and sending me positive energy and prayers. I thank you all for your love and support and hope that this Blog Post will have some meaning for anyone reading this who is perhaps facing health issues or a difficult time.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
5 Ways to Boost Your Own Immune System
With clouds of the H1N1 flu hovering over our heads this season, now is the time more than ever to start paying special attention to building your immune system. By minding your immune system as best you can, you will increase your chances of staying clear of not just the H1N1, but any other nasty flu bugs or colds that may otherwise grab hold of you.
As a cancer survivor myself, my immune system is what I consider to be my personal gold. I cherish it carefully and maintain it as best I can to keep ugly winter flu bugs and colds far away. Here are my 5 top healthy eating and lifestyle tips for keeping my immune system strong. I encourage you to follow these as best you can so you too can enjoy your holiday season to the fullest.
READ HERE for complete article.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Breaking Through Your Weight Loss Plateau
What was even more painful than the slow results was when I hit my first weight loss plateau.
Read about what happened next and how I broke through my weight loss plateau and how you can too!
Read FULL article here
Monday, July 27, 2009
“It’s time to get TEED off!”
To register visit
A limited number of 4somes remain!
To Learn more visit
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Overtired and overwhelmed by your busy lifestyle, endless To-Do lists and problems to solve? Is food one of the first things you turn to for instant comfort and emotional relief? Is your health, weight or positive outlook suffering, as a result?
If any of this rings true for you and you want to make a change, but don't know how, or where to start...then get the help you need to get the results you want with my one-on-one TELEPHONE counselling programs. I'll give you the practical guidance and personal support you need to take that first step and the next and the next.
The first 25 people to schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation between July 1st and July 4th will be eligible to win a FREE Scholarship to my 30-Day Starter Counselling Program.
To enter, simply go to and complete the form.
Friday, June 19, 2009
How to Look and Feel your BEST this summer!
For the full article visit,
Monday, June 8, 2009
Join Roslyn at the Ottawa Small Press Book Fair
Jack Purcell Community Centre, Room 203
On Elgin Street at 320 Jack Purcell Lane
FREE Admission
For more information visit
Monday, June 1, 2009
Join Roslyn at the Eastern Ontario Summer Institute in Mental Health and Addiction 2009 - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Friday, June 12th
9:00am to 4:00pm
Providence Care - Mental Health Services
752 King Street West, Kingston, Ontario Canada
For more information and to register, click HERE.
To Learn more about me visit my website at
Join Roslyn and her fellow Award nominees at the 15th Annual YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction Awards Gala Event
Monday June 1, 2009 at 7:00pm
National Arts Centre Theatre
53 Elgin Street, at Confederation Square, Ottawa Ontario.
Tickets are $95 (including a $50 tax receipt) and must be purchased in advance (they will not be available at the door). To purchase tickets, please call 613-788-5043 or email A corporate ticket package is available for $1000.
All net proceeds from the event benefit the community by providing access for children, youth, adults and families to National Capital Region YMCA-YWCA programs and services regardless of their ability to pay.
For more information visit
Monday, May 11, 2009
Enjoy Roslyn on CBC Radio Montreal
To learn more visit her website at
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Join Roslyn on the Radio Show on WBAP News/Talk 820
May 24th at 7:00 - 8:00pm Central Standard Time / 8:00 - 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time
For more information visit
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Lively presentation at The Landing - Portland, Maine
Get informed and get inspired toward healthy eating, weight and life management solutions that are realistic, attainable and sustainable long-term for greater personal and professional health, success and life satisfaction.
Taking place at:
The Landing, 116 Free Street, Portland, Maine
5:00 – 6:00PM
Don’t miss this informational, insightful and inspirational event!
Pre-Registration and Pre-payment required. $27.00 price includes book!
Register today by calling 207-400-7111 or visit our website at
Monday, May 4, 2009
Join Roslyn at eWomenNetwork, Toronto
Advance Registration Required - Contact Darla Campbell at
Taking place at:
Thornhill Golf & Country Club
Tel: (905) 881-3000
From 4:00 - 6:00pm, Registration at 3:30pm
Join Roslyn at the Hope & Cope Wellness Centre for Cancer Patients, Montreal
Taking place at:
Hope & Cope Wellness Centre
4635 Cote St. Catherine Road, corner Lavoie
Friday, April 17, 2009
Book Reading and Signing, Ottawa
Taking place at:
The Ottawa Public Library, 7:00 - 9:00pm
120 Metcalfe St. Ottawa, Canada
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Join Roslyn at the “4 Total Wellness” event hosted by Breast Cancer Action, Ottawa
Taking place at:
Breast Cancer Action at 6:30pm
739A Ridgewood Avenue, Ottawa Telephone (613) 736-5921
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Join Roslyn at the Living with Cancer Conference, Regina
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Join Roslyn at the Health & Safety 2009 IAPA Conference & Trade Show, Toronto
Health & Safety Canada 2009
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
April 20 to 22, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Join Roslyn at the Business After Hours Business Showcase Event, Ottawa
FREE entrance at The Pine View Golf Course 1471 Blair Rd. Ottawa from 4:00 to 8:00PM.
For more information visit
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Join Roslyn on Rogers Daytime TV
For more information wisit her website at
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Rogers Daytime Ottawa co-host, Derick Fage, shares inspiring story in confronting his rare Medical Condition
About Derick Fage
Derick Fage is known as the popular and witty co-host of Rogers Daytime Ottawa. A self-proclaimed child at heart, Derick is curious about everyone and everything, and it's this very quality that engages viewers daily on Daytime. Derick thrives on conveying what's happening in Ottawa to viewers in a fun and informative manner.
What viewers don't know about Derick is that he was born with a rare medical condition that has had a tremendous impact on his life, truly helping to shape his personality and compassion for others. In Derick's interview with Roslyn, Derick shares with listeners meaningful and inspiring insights on how he has chosen to thrive in his life despite his own past challenges.
"By confronting my medical condition and sharing the challenges I faced as a child, I started to understand how lucky I was to have such an incredible support system around me. Speaking with Roslyn has given me an opportunity to thank those who helped me during my critical childhood years and to hopefully inspire others to overcome the challenges they face in life. I am, indeed, Thriving After 35. My dreams of love, family and career have all come true.", says Fage.
"My interview with Derick tells a very honest and human story of someone who has chosen to be a "victor" and not a "victim" of his medical challenges. He shares experiences from his childhood and teenage years in dealing with the shame and fear surrounding his condition and how he learned not only to overcome the physical aspects of his condition, but the mental, emotional and social aspects as well. I'm honoured to have been able to offer Derick the platform of my radio show to allow him to share his inspiring story.", says Franken.
About the "How To Thrive after 35" radio show and podcast
Ottawa motivational author and speaker, Roslyn Franken, launched the "How to Thrive after 35" radio show and podcast in 2008 to educate and inspire those over 35 looking to lighten up their lives one bite at a time. Listeners learn to increase their health, control their weight, balance their lifestyle, and maintain a positive life outlook, despite their age and any past challenge. The show’s motto is, "Why just survive when you can thrive after 35?”, a task not so easily achieved in today's fast-paced and ever-changing world.
In this monthly series, Franken shares her own healthy living insights, tips and principles from her book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living (, a book inspired by her own experiences as a cancer survivor who has also triumphed over her own struggles with food, weight and life outlook management. She also includes informative and inspiring interviews with remarkable guests over 35 who share powerful messages of health, hope and happiness. These messages encourage and mentor people to feel, live and be their best for a life of greater health and happiness.
The show is available for immediate listening or as a download from
To learn more about Roslyn visit her website at
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Boost Your Own Bliss
Boost Your Own Bliss
An inspirational Weekend E-Course delivered by telephone and internet with Roslyn Franken, your B.Y.O.B Facilitator.
March 28th, 10:00 am to 1:00pm
March 29th, 1:00pm to 4:00 pm
You’ll discover how to EAT better, BALANCE your life, BOOST your energy and BE your best. WHY? So you can experience greater HEALTH, lasting WEIGHT CONTROL and improved QUALITY OF LIFE, once and for all...
All by telephone and internet, so you can do it from anywhere!
- Gain Control over problematic eating, sleep, lifestyle and attitude habits for greater health and lasting weight control.
- Enjoy a more positive outlook toward yourself, others and the world around you.
Minimize weight-related health risk. - Increase energy and sense of well-being.
- Make better decisions.
- Solve problems and manage stressful situations more effectively.
- 6 hours of group tele-classes PLUS 1 private follow-up consultation.
- PLUS 1 copy of The A List book (NEW EDITION), digital workbook and ALL other materials.
Limited Space Available
For More information Visit or my website
Friday, February 13, 2009
Make ANY Day Valentine's Day
It can put a lot of extra pressure on couples. For the man in a relationship, the woman will expect him to step up to the plate and do something extra romantic to make her feel extra special. If he doesn't meet her expectations, it can create feelings of resentment, frustration and disappointment for the woman. If she chooses to communicate her feelings to her partner, he may be left feeling like a failure and frustrated that he was expected to be able to read her mind as to what she wanted from him.
There's also a lot of pressure on single people, especially those who would love nothing more than to be in a romantic relationship. What makes it so difficult is that this holiday and all the commercial hype around it pronounces their sense of loneliness and yearning for love, romance and attention.
The problem with all this extra pressure is that it can set us up with high expectations that often result in high levels of disappointment and other negative emotions. Experiencing these types of emotions can set up anyone with an eating or weight issue, whether in a couple or single, to throw themselves a big old pity party with lots of sugary, fatty, high calorie and/or salty treats to help wash away the pain. And then the guilt, shame and self-loathing that follows your binge can send you right back for even more to help derive that instant sense of comfort and immediate gratification that less healthy food choices can so easily bring.
To Read Full Newsletter Please Visit;
So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo
Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book, Meant to Be , is available as an eBook. U...
It’s been a while since my last post and it’s good to be back. So what have I been up to? Why has it been so long since you’ve heard from me...
My dad is 90 and as I watch him face the challenges of an aging body and mind, I feel myself thinking more and more about growing old and ...
This is a photo of leftovers from this delicious carrot salad recipe I made with last night's dinner. Not only does it taste good (an...