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Warmest wishes to you and your loved ones for a very healthy and happy holiday season!
Roslyn Franken
If you answered “Yes” to the $10,000 and “No” to the health and happiness guarantee, then it clearly reveals that you value money more than your health. My hope is that you answered “Yes” to all of the questions. The point is that if there was something in it for you that you deemed valuable enough, then you will find a way to MAKE the time for exercise. The key question then becomes a matter of what you value most.
If regular physical activity doesn’t bump its way up on your priority list, then how can you ever expect to make it a regular habit? My suggestion is to physically schedule time in your daytimer for it as if it was an appointment with a doctor, friend, your hairdresser, or anyone other than yourself. It’s amazing how this can shift your outlook. When you make an appointment with someone else, my guess is that you do everything to honour that appointment because you made a commitment to that person and don’t want to disappoint them. You might even call ahead if you were running late. Yet, when you make an appointment with yourself to exercise, it’s too easy to back out and cancel on yourself. What does this say? Is the commitment you made to yourself not as important as your commitment to another? Why is it acceptable for you to disappoint yourself, yet you would hate to disappoint another?
Start the New Year off on the right foot this year and start setting appointments with yourself to exercise. Honour those appointments the same way you would honour them if they were with someone else. Don’t let yourself disappoint yourself. Start slowly with just a few 15-minute appointments for the next few weeks. Get used to the idea of honouring your time to be kind to your body with physical activity and slowly increase that time. Remember, exercise is not just about effective weight management. It also helps to lift your mood and alleviate menopausal symptoms. You ARE just as important as anyone else. You DESERVE to make the time to exercise, even if it is just 15 minutes to start. Be patient. Be kind to yourself and give yourself a chance for success. You can do it!
In The A List book, Roslyn Franken addresses many more exercise excuses and beliefs that may be preventing you from embracing regular physical activity into your life. Order your copy today.
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Roslyn Franken is the author of The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living, a powerful self-directed guide for achieving your long term health, lifestyle and weight management goals.
Roslyn has overcome her own food and weight issues and has helped many others through her personalized counseling program and professional speaking services. She counsels clients worldwide by telephone and email who are ready to build a healthy and positive lifestyle maintainable for a lifetime.
To purchase The A List book and for more information on Roslyn Franken’s personalized counseling and professional speaking services, please visit Take your complimentary online Readiness Assessment and be sure to sign up for your FREE Healthy Hints newsletter.
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