The A List: 9 Guiding
Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living, is a self-help book I wrote
and first published back in 2006. As a proud cancer survivor who
also overcame my food and weight issues, I am very proud of this book as it has
helped thousands of others change their lives one bite at a time for a
healthier body and happier life. After many requests, I have FINALLY published it as a
Kindle eBook now available on for $7.99. If you buy the book between
February 19 – 25, 2023, you can take advantage of the launch promo price at
only $3.99.
Why and how did I come
to writing this book? Here's the story...
When I was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma at 29, I was in shock. How could I have cancer? I was only 29. I was full of plans and hopes and dreams for my future so battling cancer was not exactly part of the plan. The good news is that after 9 months of chemotherapy and keeping a positive attitude, I beat it. Yup, I beat my cancer and 27 years later, I remain cancer-free.
At 39, I got on the scale to discover that I was at my heaviest weight. How could I have let myself put on all those unwanted pounds? Maybe I was subconsciously thinking, "Hey, I just beat cancer, I deserve that piece of chocolate cake. I deserve to celebrate just having survived it." Who knows, right? I can't say for sure how I allowed it to happen, but the bottom line was that I had already lost my health to cancer. So, now afraid of putting myself at risk of getting cancer again, or heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and/or any other diet and weight-related diseases, I chose to fight back once again, only this time to win my battles with food, weight, and lifestyle obstacles once and for all. I won that battle too. How? The answer is what makes up the life-changing principles that I discovered through my weight loss journey to a healthier body and happier life that I share in my internationally acclaimed book, The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living, now available as a Kindle eBook.
In The A List book, I offer
practical tools, personal insights and positive inspiration to help people
BREAK FREE from self-sabotaging eating, thinking and lifestyle habits; REACH,
MAINTAIN and ENJOY a healthy weight and positive lifestyle; TRANSORM their
relationship with food for results to last a lifetime; MINIMIZE weight and
lifestyle related health risks such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood
pressure, some forms of cancer and more; REDUCE menopausal symptoms; and
INCREASE energy and sense of well-being. The book outlines the my 9 guiding
principles for healthy eating and positive living each starting with the letter
"A". I explore each as a necessary ingredient for achieving greater
health, lasting weight loss and control, and enhanced quality of life.
Along with loads of practical tools and information,
I share personal insights from my own struggles with food, weight, and life
management challenges plus real life examples from my weight loss coaching
clients. With self-reflective coaching style questions, I help people
understand themselves and their relationship with food and their inner selves
in a newer, deeper and more meaningful way. This helps them relearn how to eat
properly and improve their quality of life by making healthy, balanced food and
lifestyle choices. The book also includes fast and easy healthy recipes.
Available now as a Kindle eBook on a special
discount promotion price in effect February 19 – 25 for only $3.99, regularly
For more information, visit