Saturday, May 10, 2014

Would this inspire you to go after your dreams?

I was recently in South Dakota and had the opportunity to visit the amazing Mount Rushmore National Memorial.  I stood there at the base of the mountain in absolute awe looking up at the four faces of past American presidents carved into the side of a mountain.

A flurry of questions came to me, ‘Who created this masterpiece? Who woke up one day and decided to carve these four faces into the side of a mountain? Who does that?’  I kept thinking about the vision, ambition, planning, precision, determination,  teamwork of 400 men and women over a 14 year span (1927 - 1941), and the incredible sense of achievement and accomplishment for such a colossal undertaking, especially for Doane Robinson who conceived the idea and Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor.

The experience left me totally inspired to continue going after all of my dreams with the same sense of vision and ambition.  If someone can decide to carve faces into the side of a mountain and then do it with such masterful results, surely I can follow my dreams too. I discovered a renewed sense of determination and confidence. What about you? What or who inspires you to go after your dreams? Who or what can you look to for inspiration? Can the Mount Rushmore carvings be a source of inspiration for you, too?  
I believe that having positive role models in our lives is so important. I have many to draw from and feel incredibly blessed. Robinson, Borglum and his team are just new ones to add to my roster. There are amazing people all around you to aspire to and be inspired by. They may not have carved faces into mountains like Borglum. They may be people in your community doing great things to help others. They may be your parents or next door neighbours. I encourage you to consider the achievements of others as inspiration for you to follow your dreams.
May all your dreams come true.

Roslyn is a motivational speaker, proud cancer survivor, personal coach and best-selling author of The A List: 9 Guiding Principles for Healthy Eating and Positive Living. She is best known for her ability to inspire, energize and empower people to lighten up for good and  live a happier life than they ever dreamed possible. Visit,

So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo

Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book,   Meant to Be ,   is available as an eBook. U...