Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Boost Your Own Bliss

How to B.Y.O.B
Boost Your Own Bliss

An inspirational Weekend E-Course delivered by telephone and internet with Roslyn Franken, your B.Y.O.B Facilitator.

March 28th, 10:00 am to 1:00pm
March 29th, 1:00pm to 4:00 pm


You’ll discover how to EAT better, BALANCE your life, BOOST your energy and BE your best. WHY? So you can experience greater HEALTH, lasting WEIGHT CONTROL and improved QUALITY OF LIFE, once and for all...

All by telephone and internet, so you can do it from anywhere!
  • Gain Control over problematic eating, sleep, lifestyle and attitude habits for greater health and lasting weight control.
  • Enjoy a more positive outlook toward yourself, others and the world around you.
    Minimize weight-related health risk.
  • Increase energy and sense of well-being.
  • Make better decisions.
  • Solve problems and manage stressful situations more effectively.

ONLY $97.00 CAD - Reg. $299.00 CAD Includes…
  • 6 hours of group tele-classes PLUS 1 private follow-up consultation.
  • PLUS 1 copy of The A List book (NEW EDITION), digital workbook and ALL other materials.

Limited Space Available
For More information Visit http://www.roslynfranken.com/byobecourse.htm or my website http://www.roslynfranken.com/

Friday, February 13, 2009

Make ANY Day Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. For many, it's the one day a year where our culture dictates that we should be expressing our love for one another with symbols of love and romance including chocolate hearts, red roses, fine dining, Valentine's Day cards and other special gifts.

It can put a lot of extra pressure on couples. For the man in a relationship, the woman will expect him to step up to the plate and do something extra romantic to make her feel extra special. If he doesn't meet her expectations, it can create feelings of resentment, frustration and disappointment for the woman. If she chooses to communicate her feelings to her partner, he may be left feeling like a failure and frustrated that he was expected to be able to read her mind as to what she wanted from him.

There's also a lot of pressure on single people, especially those who would love nothing more than to be in a romantic relationship. What makes it so difficult is that this holiday and all the commercial hype around it pronounces their sense of loneliness and yearning for love, romance and attention.

The problem with all this extra pressure is that it can set us up with high expectations that often result in high levels of disappointment and other negative emotions. Experiencing these types of emotions can set up anyone with an eating or weight issue, whether in a couple or single, to throw themselves a big old pity party with lots of sugary, fatty, high calorie and/or salty treats to help wash away the pain. And then the guilt, shame and self-loathing that follows your binge can send you right back for even more to help derive that instant sense of comfort and immediate gratification that less healthy food choices can so easily bring.

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So excited to announce launch of "Meant to Be" eBook on Kobo

Ask and ye shall receive! When I speak at live and virtual events, I’m often asked if my book,   Meant to Be ,   is available as an eBook. U...